What's OneDayOnly?

We're your new best friend! We get hold of a product, slash its price and then offer it to you for OneDayOnly. You've got 24 hours to take advantage of our generosity and then the deal is gone forever. Sad, but true.
Not only are we generous but we're also slightly psychic and know that you're about to ask what products we sell. We offer products from a range of electronics, gadgets, cosmetics and sport and lifestyle items at the lowest price you will find in South Africa. And no, we don't care if you bought something similar at the traffic lights for a lower price. That doesn't count and you know it.
Is it an impulse buy site? Certainly not. You've got 24 hours to think it over and since you make less rational decisions in five seconds, we're giving you plenty of time. Careful though, if you want the product badly, chances are so does the rest of the nation so make it snappy and shove that beauty into your trolley pronto.
How do we do it you ask? We have busy little buyers who are working daily with international brands to bring you the lowest possible offer price. Isn't that sweet? We think so.
Our team

How does this work?

Simple: We offer a few great ways to stay up to date.
First and foremost there's our email newsletter. It's the full experience with one difference: you don't have to visit our website. Sign up and forget about it. Until tomorrow morning when you'll get our first email. You'll find the subscription form at the left of most pages.
Don't want to receive our daily email? Fine. Surely (don't call me Shirley) you're on Facebook? Well, become a fan and stay up to date!
Follow us on Twitter! You'll get daily updates and be amongst the first to hear about our insane deals. Oh! Don't forget to spread the word!

Any questions?

At OneDayOnly we do our best to provide as much information about ourselves and our daily sales right here on the site. Before contacting us please first check our FAQ section.
If you have a question that isn't covered here, or is specific to an order, then we have a couple of different ways for you to get hold of us.
These options are devastatingly similar, because you can 1) fill out the form that pops up when you click "Contact Us" or you can 2) shoot through an email to customerservice@onedayonly.co.za.
Luckily, we're surprisingly quick in getting a meaningful response back to you.