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Thomas the Tank EngineThe Classic Library (26 Hardcover Books)

26 Books
26 Books


Retail: R1,000

Ever since 1945, Thomas the Tank Engine and friends have been delighting and entertaining children with their incredible adventures. This 26-book collection brings together The Rev W. Awdry's classic, original stories in one big, beautiful box. A beautiful keepsake for children to proudly display on their bookshelves, the colourful books are all presented in hardback and will introduce readers aged 3 and over to the likes of Thomas, Gordon, Henry, James, and Edward. Timeless tales that will be enjoyed as much by parents and grandparents as they will the children they're being read to, this is an amazing gift to celebrate over 70 years of the Railway series.

It all began as a story made up by the Reverand W. Awdry to entertain his son when he had measles. Now millions of people across the world have grown up with the tales of Sodor Island, enchanted by the adventures of Thomas and his friends, Percy, Gordon, and Toby, and all the other engines that work on the Fat Controller's railway.

Thomas the Tank Engine ranks alongside other beloved characters such as Paddington Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage.

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You know who were the most memorable characters from Phineas and Ferb, Wallace and Gromit, and Kim Possible?

The animal sidekicks who said little but were undeniably the funniest characters.

Think about it:

Perry the Platypus led a secret life as a spy with his arch-nemesis Dr. Doofenshmirtz of which his owners knew nothing about! Yet, he was always there at the end of the show just in time for Phineas to say, "Oh, there you are, Perry!"

Gromit is Wallace's devoted hound who often finds himself cleaning up after Wallace's messes and saving him. Without saying anything, he is hilarious by giving the audience a knowing glance.

And then there is the naked mole rat Rufus! This small, seemingly unassuming character helps Kim Possible and her friends with their missions, and his vocabulary only extends as far as "Booyah!"

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