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MadisonLuxury Poolside Floating Lounger

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Retail: R2,700

Relax by the pool like never before this summer with the poolside floating lounger. Not only is it a poolside lounger but it also floats!

The lounger provides excellent back and neck support on and off the pool. Ideal for relaxing and reading poolside.

Product Features
  • The poolside lounger cover is made from washable outdoor fabric.
  • Filled with recycled filler which allows the lounger to be buoyant on the water. 
  • The filler is contained in an inner bladder allowing for the cover to be easily removed and washed.
  • Water that seeps into the lounger is easily drained out of the pool. 
  • Dimensions:
    • Medium: 1m x 1.5m x 20cm
    • Large: 1.7m x 1.15m x 20cm
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