Kate Brosnahan Spade, an accessories editor at mademoiselle, was frustrated she couldn't find the fashionable, utilitarian handbag she'd been craving for years and set out to design the perfect one out of her apartment. Kate Spade New York is an American luxury fashion design house founded in January 1993 by Kate and Andy Spade.
She made samples out of construction paper. she combined sleek shapes and colorful palettes in an entirely new way. Women and fashion editors loved the designs. Kate Spade sparked a revolution in accessories and thoughtfully integrated her signature mark into her designs for a delightful surprise. Kate Spade sunglasses are the perfect mix of style and function.
It's a Saturday afternoon, and you're trying to decide if you really need that second helping of braai. Or later on, when you're on the couch, debating if it's a good idea to take a quick nap during the rugby halftime -- a second opinion always saves the day.
The expression "two heads are better than one" has never been truer than with today's deal on the Veeway Smart Sonic Toothbrush, which comes with 2 Heads! No second opinion necessary!