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Floormax2-in-1 Smart Mop Deluxe


Retail: R600

Now you can rinse and mop with clean water every time! The secret is its innovative dual chamber bucket and spin technology, that rinses your mop with clean water from an inner bucket, while it separates the dirty water into the outer bucket. It even has silicone teeth to help remove hair and debris from your mop as it spins.

Product Features:
  • The 2in1 Micro Mop has a durable microfibre cloth pad that captures all kinds of dirt & clean surfaces thoroughly
  • This Microfibre technology is so effective that you don't even need to use expensive detergents or other harmful chemicals when cleaning – simply use water
  • The cleaning pad holds a super absorbent shammy towel inside of it that effectively locks in any wet mess as you mop
  • The 2in1 Mop both a flat microfibre mop with it's separate washing & drying sections for hygiene hands free, water conservation no complicated gears & moving parts that wear out over time
  • Dimensions: 325 x 325 x 295mm (L x W x H)
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Deal with it!

Look, it's okay to complain from time to time. In fact, sometimes letting off steam can be good for you. Sat in traffic for 45 minutes en route to work? Definitely rant about it to your office bestie when you get there. Eggs Benedict cold when the waiter brings them out? Totally send them back.

Some things, though, are not worth complaining about. That bald patch? Wear a hat and get on with it. Getting a little too cold to wear your favourite mini? It's called winter, babes, deal with it.

Loadshedding? Come on, now. At this STAGE, if you don't have a power station like our deal on this one from Elecstor, that's on you. (And Eskom, obvs, but they're not going to buy one for you.)